To Sumerians, Babylonians, Assyrians, and Jews there were male and female demons (Jewish demons were primarily male, although female examples such as Lilith exist). In Christian demonology and theology, there is debate over the gender and sexual proclivities of demons. These questions are referenced in Italian,[a] French,[b] Spanish, and Portuguese phrases that imply that the question is pointless and unanswerable, akin to the English word How many angels can dance on the head of a pin?.
Gender of demons
Traditional demons of Christianity, such as Satan, Beelzebub, and Asmodeus are almost invariably assigned a male gender in religious and occultist texts. This is true also for succubi, who despite taking a female shape to copulate with men, are often thought of as male nonetheless.[3]
The Testament of Solomon,[4] an early treatise on demons of Judeo-Christian origin, presents the demon Ornias, who assumes the shape of a woman to copulate with men (though in other versions he does it while in the shape of an old man[5]). After meeting him, King Solomon asks Beelzebub if there are female demons, suggesting a difference between male shapeshifting demons (incubi/succubi) and genuine female demons. Similarly, angels in Christianity also have masculine genders, names, and functions. For example, the Grigori, led by Azazel, descended on Mount Hermon and copulated with earthly women out of lust, having children with them.[6]
John Milton in Paradise Lost specifies that although demons may seem masculine or feminine, spirits "Can either Sex assume, or both; so soft And uncompounded is their Essence pure". Nonetheless, these feminine shapes may be just temporal disguises to deceive people, just as at
List of demons
Homosexuality, Bisexual, Transsexual, Transvestite, Gay,
Lesbian, Masturbation, Bisexuality, Prostitution, Voyeurism,
Exhibitionism, Fetishism, Sexual Fetishism, Zoophilia, Sexual Sadism,
Sexual Masochism, Necrophilia, Klismaphilia, Lewdness, Telephone Scatologia,
Urophilia, Apotemnophilia, Coprophilia, Coprophagia, Pedophilia, Toucheurism,
Frotteurism, Sexual Asphyxia, Rape, Gerontophilia, Pyromania, Bestiality,
Air Embolism, Aspiration of Semen
Associated demons
Homosexuality, Bisexual, Transsexual, Transvestite, Gay,
Lesbian, Masturbation, Bisexuality, Prostitution, Voyeurism,
Exhibitionism, Fetishism, Sexual Fetishism, Zoophilia, Sexual Sadism,
Sexual Masochism, Necrophilia, Klismaphilia, Lewdness, Telephone Scatologia,
Urophilia, Apotemnophilia, Coprophilia, Coprophagia, Pedophilia, Toucheurism,
Frotteurism, Sexual Asphyxia, Rape, Gerontophilia, Pyromania, Bestiality,
Air Embolism, Aspiration of Semen
I come to you now confessing all my sins (name them to the Lord quietly). I confess that I have sinned against You, others, and myself. I had brought shame on your name by being lazy, ignorant, and disobedient to your word. I have wanted all your blessings without complying with your principals. I know that the blood of Jesus Christ is for my cleansing from these sins. With your help, I will begin right now to learn and aggressively change my way of thinking and acting. I repent of all my desires for soft, easy, lazy living Others were involved with me in some of these sins and I now break soul ties with them. I break soul ties with these people (name them to God) with whom I have engaged in sexual vices. I also break soul ties I have made with groups that condone such actions and attitudes. I break ties with all false religions I have been in or approved of, and with movements such as the New Age Movement. I confess that I have been willingly deceived and have deceived others. I have used others for my gain. I repent of all this sin. I repent of not valuing Your Word, principles and plan for my life. I repent of having in my possession cursed objects. I will destroy those belonging to me. I break soul ties with anyone who has dominated me. I release those that I have tried to dominate.
Because Jesus became accursed for us, we are given the opportunity to break curses and free ourselves from their effects. In the Name of Jesus Christ, I break these curses: being a willing deceiver, disobedient to the Lord's commandants, idolatry, owner of cursed objects, house of wicked, not giving to poor, lightly esteeming parents, makers of graven images, cheating to gain property, incest, adultery, slaying the innocent for money, bestially, homosexuals-male/female, bastards, witchcraft, those who attempt to turn anyone away from God, followers of horoscopes, failure to discipline children, abuse of children, liars, the carnal minded, sodomy, rebellion, rebellious children, nonproductivity, fugitive, vagabond, those who hate, Ahab and Jezebel, cursing parents, pride and any others in the families of effeminacy and sodomy.
I no longer will serve these demon spirits. I am a believer and I cast out these demons residing in my body in the Name of Jesus Christ my Saviour. I ask this in the Name of Jesus Christ: Lord, Master and Saviour. I command the spirits to manifest, identify, and reveal themselves. I command the families of effeminacy and sodom to come out as your name is called.
List of Spirits
SubduedEffeminacyUnable to EndureGossipSoftness (in bad sense)Hardship/PrivationIncestWomanishDullUncontrolled PassionsVoluptuousDecline in ForceCriticismDelicateQualityDefiledDecadentDeclining MoralsPride of LifeUnmanlyDeteriorationGentleness (in bad sense)DestructionUncleannessWeaknessDeathAdulteryRageUnreasonable FondnessRottennessDegenerate MindDebilityLacking QualityUnscrupulousFailureIntensityHarshnessFoibleImpairedAbortion / MurderFeeblenessCorruptSuicideVictimDebilitating GuiltShameFollyDebasedCursingFrailtyUncleannessOvereatingExplosivenessDistrustDemonic DominationDeprived of Manly QualitiesImpotentImpure Thoughts and ActionsEmasculatedPassivityOversexedNot VigorousUndisciplinedFlirtatiousImmoralityUnregulatedHaughtyDisorderlyImmoderateCarnal MindedPride/Ego/VanityInsecuritySexual ImpurityIncestAutomatic FailureUncleannessFondlingDirty Old ManFornicationRapeCreating BastardsUnnatural LewdnessFilthy LanguageFondlingUnder SexedLewd EmotionsRape
Please forgive me for committing incest. Forgive me for being critical of and hating those who belong to God, are in authority over me, forced me into incest, and the sex of the rapist. Please help me with fear of adults, inability to work alone, having trouble with people in authority, not respecting others, no joy in life, and hopelessness about the future.
I forgive my ancestors for their incest and I forgive the person who committed incest on me. I break the ten-generation curse of incest and command the following spirits to manifest and come out of me. I ask this in the Name of Jesus Christ: Lord, Master and Saviour. I command the spirits to manifest, identify, and reveal themselves. I command the family of incest to come out as your name is called.
List of Spirits
Fear, Drunkenness, Ammonite and Moabite spirits, Degradation, Uncleanliness, Degenerate, Hate, Retaliation, Criticalness, Judgementalism, Confusion, Frustration, Self Accusation, Embarrassment, Jealousy, Guilt, Shame, Evil Works, Distrust, Contempt, Fragmented Mind, Ludeness, Lack of Self Respect, No Joy, Hopelessness, and other related families of spirits.
I forgive my ancestors for creating bastards and committing incest and sexual sins. Please forgive me for the same sins. I break the curses of the bastard, incest, and sexual sins on me and my descendants. I break soul ties from being a bastard and having incest committed on me. I ask that my fragmented soul be restored. I break unnaturally close friendships, blood covenants, pacts, covenants, promises, and allegiances. I ask this in the Name of Jesus Christ: Lord, Master and Saviour. I command the spirits to manifest, identify, and reveal themselves. I command the families of sins of ancestors, and sexual sins and diseases to come out of me as your name is called:
I forgive those who have abused me with rape, attempted rape, or sexual assault. May God bless them with all spiritual blessings, especially salvation, bring them into all truth, and meet all of their needs out of His Riches in Glory through Christ Jesus. I ask this in the Name of Jesus Christ: Lord, Master and Saviour. I command the spirits to manifest, identify, and reveal themselves. I command the families of rape, attempted rape, and sexual assault to come out as your name is called.
List of Spirits
The following are characteristics that those that have been raped or molested may have: Rape, Incest, Attempted Rape, Fondling, Helplessness, Embarrassment, Guilt, Rage, Shame, Devastation, Vulnerability, Confusion, Violence, Trauma, Frustration, Humiliation, Withdrawal, Numbness, Loss of Emotions, Revenge, Pain, Sorrow, Depression, Sleeplessness, Overeating, Starving, Loss of Trust, Flashbacks, Can't Look At Men, Paralysis, Stress, Lack of Sexual Desire, Powerlessness, Victim, Fantasies, Deadness, Craziness, Loss of Sexual Identity, Dirtiness, Sullied, Ruined, Spoiled, Abandonment, Loss of Sexual Identity, Avoidance, Dissociation, Multiple Personality Disorder, Brutality, Domination, Loss of Control, Shock, Disbelief, Escapism, Loss of Appetite, Rape Trauma Syndrome, Disorientation, Denial, Nervousness, Tension, Nausea, Bed-wetting, Murder, Killing, Pressure, Repulsion, Upset, Violated, Degraded, Threatened, Accusation, Judgementalism, Blame, Infidelity, Promiscuity, Crying, Inferiority, Worthlessness, Loss of Control, Fellatio, Anal Sodomy and all other related demons and their works.
Fears: Fear of Touch of Men, Fear of Breaking Glass, Fear of Bedroom, Fear of Elevators, Fear of Death, Fear of Sex, Fear of Parking Lots, Fear of Sudden Awakening, Fear of Ski Masks, Fear of Death, Fear of Being Alone, Fear of Crowds, Fear of Diseases, Fear for Safety, Fear of Being Killed Terror, Horror, Anxiety, Phobias, Panic, Fright, Nightmares
Major Effects
Emotional Shock, Disbelief, Embarrassment, Shame, Guilt, Depression, Powerlessness, Disorientation, Retriggering, Denial, Fear, Anxiety and Anger.
When I was a child or adult, whether male or female, I forgive those who have committed sexual harassment, abuse, assault, and violence against me and have given me a sexually transmitted disease. I forgive those who have committed domestic violence against me by intimidation and physical abuse, especially as a woman. I forgive those for unwanted, deliberate, and repeated sexual using sexually suggestive objects, signs, magazines, and pictures; unlawful sex discrimination and threats; forcible sexual activity, rape, fondling, incest, molestation, exhibitionism, sodomy, childhood pornography and prostitution; bribery, seductive behavior, indecent exposure; sexual touching, fondling and game playing; oral, anal and vaginal intercourse; sexual contact without consent; incest, attempted rape and unwanted sexual touch. I ask this in the Name of Jesus Christ: Lord, Master and Saviour. I command the spirits to manifest, identify, and reveal themselves. I command the families of sexual harassment, abuse, assault, and violence to come out as your name is called.
List of Spirits
The following are characteristics of sexual harassment - abuse - assault - violence: sexual harassment, embarrassment, sexual abuse, emotional distress, fear of specific persons, regression, bed-wetting, thumb sucking, pain, short attention span, withdrawal, escape, substance abuse, nightmares, fear of going to bed, fear of sleeping alone, irritability, temper tantrums, loss of interest, injuries, post-traumatic stress disorder, forcible sexual activity, sexual contact, rape, fondling, incest, molestation, exhibitionism, sodomy, pornography, prostitution, seductive behavior, indecent exposure, sexual touching, game playing, oral sex, anal sex, tay sacks, spinal bifida, downs syndrome, mental retardation, emotional diseases, sexual assault, attempted rape, distrust, sexual intimidation, battery, murder, victim, helplessness, loss of control, domination, control, domestic physical abuse, slavery, trapped, despair and all other related demons and their works.
I pray that you would forgive me of sex with demons, rape, fornication, adultery, homosexuality, bestiality, or anything else that would cause me to have a soul tie through demonic sex. Forgive me for having demonic objects in my home or office, and for having demonic ties to them. I forgive those who would try to control me through witchcraft, parental control after marriage, control by church leaders, or anyone who would try to control my God-given freewill. Forgive me for trying to control others. Forgive me for making covenants and brotherhoods, for taking oaths binding me to others, and for any unholy allegiance. Forgive me for cursing myself, my family, my church, my nation, and God. Thank you for godly soul ties and my covenant with you. Please strengthen Your System in my life. Help me to cleanse my soul and body, and have the right spirit. Give me spiritual strength, might, and force to do your work. We break demonic ties to parents; religions and religious leaders; tradition and cursed objects; the dead; races, colors, and creeds; doctors and hospitals; and self. We now break all ungodly soul ties to humans; demonic ties to objects or animals; curses, bondage, witchcraft, bands, and yokes. I ask these things in the Name of Jesus Christ: Lord, Master, and Saviour. I command the spirits to manifest, identify, and reveal themselves. I command the families of soul and demonic ties, and curses to leave me as your name is called:
List of Spirits
spirits of abused children, Ahab and Jezebel, effeminacy, bastard and incest, religious spirits, charismatic witchcraft, lies and lying, addictions and compulsions, fear and paranoia, drunkenness and gluttony, occult, witchcraft and Satan worship, vengeance, schizophrenia, hate, envy and strife, incubus and succubus, fornication, rape, adultery, homosexuality, bestiality, prostitution, whoring, blood brothers, harlotry, death, great curse, works of the law, familiar spirits, wizards, bands of Orion, snares and nets, mockers, divorce, immorality, violence, alcoholism, murder, suicide, marijuana, cocaine, premarital sex, sexual diseases, mental disorders, obesity, fatness, demonic pain in menstruation, nicotine, unbalanced teaching, tied up, bound up, in chains and fetters, tied to others, weighed down, under pressure, unusual attraction, repulsion, strife, Voodoo, gigolo, sexual dreams and nightmares, sodomy, ungodly attraction for animals, white witchcraft, black witchcraft, warlock, dictatorial, fortune teller, mediums, bands, bonds, fetters, cords, ropes, covenants, brotherhoods, twisted, noose, ruin, destruction, pain, pang, snare, sorrow, Masonic Lodge, demonic miracles, domineering, false religions, ties to worldly systems, and all other related demons and their works.
Prayer for Men
I forgive my wife for problems in my life caused by the changes in her life. I ask that she forgive me for problems in her life caused by the changes in my life. Forgive me for lusting after other women and other sexual sins I have committed. Protect me from the whorish woman. Please restore me from the effects of sexual sin. I forgive Adam and Eve for the original sin and cursing mankind. Forgive me for having wrong feelings for my wife due to difficulty in having intercourse. Please heal my body so that I can have normal intercourse during my lifetime. I forgive my wife for excuses for not having sex. I ask this in the Name of Jesus Christ: Lord, Master and Saviour. I command the spirits to manifest, identify, and reveal themselves. I command the family of change in life spirits to out as your name is called.
Prayer for Women
I forgive my husband for problems in my life caused by the changes in his life. I ask that he forgive me for problems in his life caused by the changes in my life. Forgive me for lusting after other men and other sexual sins I have committed. Protect me from the whoremongering man. Please restore me from the effects of sexual sin. Forgive me for being double-minded. I forgive Adam and Eve for the original sin and for cursing womankind. Forgive me for having wrong feelings for my husband due to difficulty in having intercourse. Please heal my body so that I can have normal intercourse during my lifetime. I forgive my husband for the pain of having sex. I ask this in the Name of Jesus Christ: Lord, Master and Saviour. I command the spirits to manifest, identify, and reveal themselves. I command the family of change in life spirits to come out as your name is called.